Flexible Flat Cable (FFC) is flat copper conductors of various dimensions
laminated with high-quality insulation foils. They guarantee significant competitive advantages over conventional cables in your application.
It offers many advantages such as reasonable costs, low weight, high flexibility
and a large number of contacts in small spaces.
The standard copper conductor thickness is 35, 50 and 125 microns. As
insulating materials, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is used in different
dimensions. It is available in A type - Contacts same side or B Type – Contacts
opposite sides etc, whichever your design requires. Standard cable is suitable
for 80°C and 60 volts. Lengths start from 15mm up to "N" mm, cables are
made to order and length is specifiable on the FFC cable drawing.
FFC Flex Foil Cables are available in various designs. The direct mounting with FFC/FPC connectors is a very popular technique. However, the direct soldering
to PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) or the connection with conductive adhesives
by the HEAT SEAL procedure is also possible.
In general the extremely flexible FFCs are divided into different categories.
Cables which from the static version to the highly flexible version with silicone
which are manufactured for various applications.

Type A
Both contact terminals face same direction.
Supporting Tapes are laminated to the film

Type A
Type B
Each contact terminal faces different direction.
Supporting Tapes are laminated to the film.

Type C
Both contact terminals face same direction.
Supporting Tapes are laminated to the conductors.

Type D
Each contact terminal faces different direction.
Supporting Tapes are laminated to the conductors.

Type E
One end is stripped for soldering.

Type F
Exteded Supporting Tape for further protection.

Type G
Both ends are stripped for soldering.